An important property of our sense experiences, and, more generally, of all of our experiences, is their temporal order. This kind of order leads to the mental conception of a subjective time, an ordering scheme for our experience. The subjective time leads then via the concept of the bodily object and of space to the concept of objective time....他顯然認為這個殺手有兩張臉,而且其中一張臉不在他所能探究的範圍內,因此之後他就放下subjective time,只討論objective time。
1 則留言:
【Synchronize Your Watches】
Biological clocks have periods of about 24 hours but rely on entrainment from exposure to light to stay in sync with day length. Rust et al. (p. 220) show that, in cyanobacteria, such entrainment is coupled, at least in part, with the effect of light on photosynthesis increasing the relative concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to adenosine diphosphate. The cyanobacterial clock can be reconstituted in vitro from just three proteins that are regulated through phosphorylation reactions in which ATP is a substrate. One of the proteins, KaiC, can integrate the status of the endogenous clock through its interaction with the KaiA component and, with the metabolic state of the cell, through competitive inhibition of KaiC's binding to its substrate ATP. A mathematical model was developed that could reproduce the entrainment of the clock by light.